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Продаж: 46
Возвратов: 0

Загружен: 20.01.2015
Содержимое: текст 70 символов

Описание товара


A fully cooperative horror experience like never before!
On White Noise Online, a team of up to 4 investigators has to explore an area looking for clues, while avoiding being devoured by a supernatural creature. Will you be able to uncover the truth behind the mysterious events?

The game takes the idea of simple, accesible horror behind Slender and evolves it further to adapt it to a cooperative environemnt.

Designed from scratch to offer a shared horror experience, White Noise Online lets you live new situations, never seen before on a videogame. You´ll need teamwork and trust on your partners to take the right choices and overcome the challenges you´ll face.

White Noise Online can be played solo or online, in a cooperative game for up to 4 players. It features over 15 playable characters, each one with their own perks and skills, and 6 different scenarios to explore.

Another interesting feature of WNO is the replay screen, where you can check the path you and your friends followed. Once the thrilling game session is over, have a laugh while seeing how you kept walking in circles!


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