Ship shaped offshore installation

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Загружен: 07.07.2021
Содержимое: Ship Shaped Offshore Installations Design Building and Operation 2007.pdf 10775,47 Кбайт

Описание товара

Ship-shaped offshore units are some of the more economical systems for the development
of offshore oil and gas fields and are often preferred in marginal fields. These systems
are especially attractive when developing oil and gas fields in deep- and ultradeep-water
areas and locations remote from existing pipeline infrastructures. Recently, the ship-
shaped offshore units have also been considered for application to near-shore oil and
gas terminals. This book is an ideal text and reference on the technologies for designing,
building, and operating ship-shaped offshore units, within inevitable space (and time)
requirements. This book includes a range of topics, from the initial contracting strategy
to the decommissioning and the removal of the units concerned. Coverage includes both
fundamental theory and principles of the individual technologies. This book will be useful
to students who are approaching the subject for the first time as well as designers working
on the engineering for ship-shaped offshore installations.


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