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Europa Universalis IV: Golden Century (Steam key) @ RU

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Europa Universalis IV: Golden Century (Steam key) @ RU Europa Universalis IV: Golden Century (Steam key) @ RU Europa Universalis IV: Golden Century (Steam key) @ RU Europa Universalis IV: Golden Century (Steam key) @ RU Europa Universalis IV: Golden Century (Steam key) @ RU Europa Universalis IV: Golden Century (Steam key) @ RU Europa Universalis IV: Golden Century (Steam key) @ RU Europa Universalis IV: Golden Century (Steam key) @ RU Europa Universalis IV: Golden Century (Steam key) @ RU Europa Universalis IV: Golden Century (Steam key) @ RU Europa Universalis IV: Golden Century (Steam key) @ RU Europa Universalis IV: Golden Century (Steam key) @ RU

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Columbus might not have been the first, but he was the most important. His voyages to the New World were quickly exploited by an ascendant Spanish Crown, leading that great Catholic kingdom to over a century of dominance at the center of European politics. The gold of the Aztecs and silver of Peru laid the foundations of a global empire that stretched from Mexico to Madrid to Manila. Relive those days of empire building from the Reconquista to the treasure fleets in Europa Universalis IV: Golden Century, a new immersion pack from Paradox Development Studios.Features of Golden Century include:Minority Expulsion:Settle your distant colonies with homeland minorities, promoting greater cohesion at home, while adding more diversity to your subject nations.Establish Orders:Iberian nations can appoint Jesuit, Franciscan or Dominican clerics to govern their states to reduce unrest or ease conversion..New Mission Trees:New missions and objectives for the nations of Iberia and Northwest Africa, including Spain and Andalucia.Pirate Republics:Play as or combat against pirate nations in dangerous sea zones, with their own flavor and game style.Flagships: Appoint a Flagship to lead your navy, adding combat and trade power to your fleets.Naval Barrage:Use your ships to help besiege coastal forts by bombarding the walls.

Golden Century includes a Content Pack that includes:
New Iberian Army Units:
20 unique infantry units for Granada/Andalucia, Navarra, Leon/Galicia, Sal? and Pirates.New Iberian Ship Models: 17 new ship models for the Iberian nations (Portugal, Spain, Aragon, Navarra, Galicia, Leon, Andalucia and Granada.)New Berber Ship Models:17 new ship models for Berber nations (Morocco, Tlemcen, Algiers, Tunis, Fezzan, Mzab, Toggourt, Djerid, Tripoli, Tafilalt, Sus, Fez, Sal?.)New Music:10 to 12 minutes of original music inspired by the discovery of the New World.

Дополнительная информация

Europa Universalis IV (Steam key) @ RU - - > //bitma.ru/itm/2664199
Europa Universalis IV Evangelical Union Unit Pack @ RU - - > //bitma.ru/itm/2666569
Europa Universalis IV: American Dream (Steam key) @ RU - - > //bitma.ru/itm/2666565
Europa Universalis IV: Art of War (Steam key) @ RU - - > //bitma.ru/itm/2666566
Europa Universalis IV: Common Sense (Steam key) @ RU - - > //bitma.ru/itm/2666567
Europa Universalis IV: Common Sense Collection @ RU - - > //bitma.ru/itm/2666568
Europa Universalis IV: Cradle of Civ. - Collect @ RU - - > //bitma.ru/itm/2541652
Europa Universalis IV: Cradle of Civilization Cnt @ RU - - > //bitma.ru/itm/2541650
Europa Universalis IV: Cradle of Civilization Exp @ RU - - > //bitma.ru/itm/2541651
Europa Universalis IV: Dharma Expansion (Steam) @ RU - - > //bitma.ru/itm/2538190
Europa Universalis IV: Extreme Edition (Steam) @ RU - - > //bitma.ru/itm/2664202
Europa Universalis IV: Golden Century (Steam key) @ RU - - > //bitma.ru/itm/2582983
Europa Universalis IV: Indian Ships Unit Pack @ RU - - > //bitma.ru/itm/2666570
Europa Universalis IV: Indian Subcontinent Unit @ RU - - > //bitma.ru/itm/2666571
Europa Universalis IV: Mandate of Heaven (Steam) @ RU - - > //bitma.ru/itm/2543332
Europa Universalis IV: Mandate of Heaven Content @ RU - - > //bitma.ru/itm/2543333
Europa Universalis IV: Mare Nostrum (Steam key) @ RU - - > //bitma.ru/itm/2583054
Europa Universalis IV: Mare Nostrum Content Pack @ RU - - > //bitma.ru/itm/2666572
Europa Universalis IV: Monuments to Power Pack @ RU - - > //bitma.ru/itm/2540690
Europa Universalis IV: Muslim Ships Unit Pack @ RU - - > //bitma.ru/itm/2666573
Europa Universalis IV: Rights of Man (Steam key) @ RU - - > //bitma.ru/itm/2544838
Europa Universalis IV: Rights of Man Content Pack @ RU - - > //bitma.ru/itm/2544837
Europa Universalis IV: Rule Britannia (Steam key) @ RU - - > //bitma.ru/itm/2540674
Europa Universalis IV: The Cossacks (Steam key) @ RU - - > //bitma.ru/itm/2666575
Europa Universalis IV: The Cossacks Content Pack @ RU - - > //bitma.ru/itm/2666574
Europa Universalis IV: Ultimate E-book Pack Steam @ RU - - > //bitma.ru/itm/2543334
Europa Universalis IV: Ultimate Music Pack Steam @ RU - - > //bitma.ru/itm/2543335


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