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XBOX GAME PASS ULTIMATE на 1-2-5-6-9-10-12 месяцев

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Продаж: 2
Возвратов: 1

Содержимое: уникальный код 16 символов
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За положительный отзыв продавец предоставит вам подарочную карту на сумму 12.00 руб.

Описание товара

XBOX GAME PASS ULTIMATE на 1-2-5-6-9-10-12 месяцев XBOX GAME PASS ULTIMATE на 1-2-5-6-9-10-12 месяцев XBOX GAME PASS ULTIMATE на 1-2-5-6-9-10-12 месяцев

✅Activation is completed through a purchase on the Microsoft online store, ensuring full compliance with legal requirements.

🔷Following payment, you will be provided with a unique code, which you must share with the seller via the order correspondence. Additionally, you will need to provide your Microsoft account details for login at https://login.live.com (email and password). Access your order at https://oplata.info, select the order, and expand it to initiate a chat with the seller.

💯🌍✔️To expedite the process, initially set your account´s region to France, then change it to your preferred region after purchase. (If you don´t know how to change your account region to France, we´ll do it for you free of charge)

Дополнительная информация

💎Xbox Game Pass Ultimate includes:
- Xbox Core
- Game Pass for Console
- Game Pass for PC

🟩You can find a comprehensive list of games included in the subscription by visiting the following link:
The selection of available games is regularly updated, currently featuring 337 games for Xbox One / Series X | S, and 220 games for PC.

⏳✔️Delivery typically occurs within a few hours after providing all necessary data. However, occasional delays may happen due to Microsoft´s server issues or a lengthy queue, but these delays will not exceed 48 hours or until Microsoft resolves the technical issues.

⏳✔️Our customer service operates from morning until late afternoon, starting approximately at 10:00 am and concluding around 11:00 pm. Please note that our operating hours may vary.


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За положительный отзыв продавец предоставит вам подарочную карту на сумму 12.00 руб..
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