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Stations in Seoul: Card Game STEAM KEY REGION GLOBAL

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Загружен: 21.10.2023
Содержимое: текст 17 символов
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Stations in Seoul: Card Game STEAM KEY REGION GLOBAL Stations in Seoul: Card Game STEAM KEY REGION GLOBAL Stations in Seoul: Card Game STEAM KEY REGION GLOBAL Stations in Seoul: Card Game STEAM KEY REGION GLOBAL

✅ Моментально после покупки данного товара вы получаете лицензионный ключ 🔑 от игры Stations in Seoul: Card Game для платформы Steam. Данный продукт не имеет региональных ограничений и может быть активирован в любой стране 🌏.
Card + RPG
Game Introduction
Immerse yourself in the captivating universe of our enthralling prequel to Find with Seoul.
This game beautifully weaves together the exciting elements of an Open world card game with a fascinating narrative that propels you on a quest for continuous development.
Game Content
Utilize the engrossing mechanics of an Open world card game to foster and enhance your dwelling, propelling you to ascend to unprecedented heights.
Dive into the vibrant world of our card collection and discover a plethora of unique and diverse cards to amplify your gaming experience.
Game Story
Step into the post-cyberpunk dystopia that is Seoul, a city that has drastically evolved beyond recognition. Once a bustling metropolis teeming with life, the city now finds itself grappling with a dire consequence of its own making - a rapidly burgeoning population of clones.
As the number of clones began to surge uncontrollably, humans were thrust into a quandary, torn between their creation and the repercussions it posed. The clones, initially a symbol of technological prowess, now represented a dystopian nightmare, forcing humans to contemplate drastic measures to regain control.
Left with no other viable alternatives, humanity resorted to a radical solution - banishing all clones into the bowels of the city, into the unforgiving subterranean depths. But the strategy didn´t end there; in a twist of irony, humans unleashed a myriad of challenges, including the rise of zombies, within this underworld, all with a singular intention - to cull the clone population.
Enter this world steeped in anarchy and survive the trials laid out for you. Do you have what it takes to survive and find your place in this dystopian Seoul? The game is afoot.

Дополнительная информация

📝 Активация продукта в Steam:
1. Получите оплаченный товар в разделе Покупки.
2. Если не установлен Steam клиент, скачайте его для Windows (клиент также доступен на Mac и Linux) и установите.
3. Запустите Steam, зайдите в свой аккаунт или зарегистрируйте новый, если у вас его еще нет.
4. Войдите в меню «Игры» и выберите пункт «Активировать через Steam».
5. Примите соглашение подписчика Steam.
6. Введите ключ активации.
7. После активации вам будет предложено скачать игру.

Ключ также можно активировать через браузер - https://store.steampowered.com/account/registerkey

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Ознакомиться со всем ассортиментом можно по данной ссылке - //bitma.ru/seller/kostet624/828276/ 🌸


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